Aaron Glover Sermons

Aaron Glover Sermons Trailer Bonus Episode 31 Season 1

Faithful Legacy (By Faith series #2)

Faithful Legacy (By Faith series #2)Faithful Legacy (By Faith series #2)


What will you leave behind for future generations?
What will YOUR LEGACY be?
Among all of the accomplishments, possessions, and feats, the greatest legacy that we can leave is FAITH.
Today we learn about the FAITHFUL LEGACY that has been left by our ancestors, and how we can walk by such faith and leave the that very same legacy behind us.

Show Notes

What will you leave behind for future generations? 
What will YOUR LEGACY be?
Among all of the accomplishments, possessions, and feats, the greatest legacy that we can leave is FAITH. 
Today we learn about the FAITHFUL LEGACY that has been left by our ancestors, and how we can walk by such faith and leave the that very same legacy behind us.

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