The Divine Life of Sai Baba

"Indirabai was taught by Baba how to count the rosary" is the 31st Leela in the series. In this clip, Vinny Ma narrates the experience of Indirabai and how, in her dream, she was saved by Baba from a Bhil who was attacking her. In yet another dream Indirabai saw Baba. This time, Baba appeared as a Kirtankar and showed her the correct method of counting the rosary beads, He also asked her to chant His name continuously.

Through this Leela, Baba teaches us the importance of Naam Jap. He often stressed that if we chant His Name, He will take care of our material and spiritual well-being.

About a month later, Indirabai dreamt that she was asleep in bed. A huge Bhil wearing a white Dhotar was standing near her bed. His arms akimbo, he looked at her menacingly. She thought he was going to kill her so she shouted, “Baba, please save me.” At once, Baba appeared before her and Indirabai immediately clasped His feet and begged for help. Angrily, Baba rolled His eyes at the Bhil and drove him away. Indirabai knew that whatever trouble was to befall her had been driven away.

Towards the end of 1931, she again dreamt of Baba. She was at Pendari at that time. In the dream, she saw Baba acting the role of a Kirtankar. Athyabai, Deo and she were seated in the front row listening intently to the Kirtans. Baba then took two or three steps towards her and stood in front of her. He held a rosary in His hand and He showed her the correct method of counting the beads. He did this by counting a few beads in front of her. Then He showed her how to recount the beads. He then told her to chant His name. He looked at her compassionately and said, “Child chant ‘Sai, Sai’ continuously while you do your chores.”

The very next day, she bought a rosary and faithfully chanted his name and circumambulated his picture 108 times. Indirabai was very grateful that Baba had given her guidance, and a mantra to live by.

Baba teaches the importance of Naam Jap and the continuous chanting of Baba’s name, and when we chant His name, we have direct contact with Him. Baba often stressed that we should chant His name and He will do the rest, i.e., He will take care of our material and spiritual well-being. Finally, in this Kali Yuga, there is no greater cure to remove sins of speech than remembering your Satguru’s name.

This Leela was taken from the Sai Leela magazine, vol. 12, nos. 1-2.

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What is The Divine Life of Sai Baba?

A special podcast series by Dr. Vinny Chitluri which is on Baba's leelas and life history.