Vision Forward with Stephen Schlabach

Life Principle Of Wholeness - Join Stephen Schlabach in this episode of Vision Forward as he explores the profound concept of the life principle of wholeness. Rooted in the attribute of God and shared throughout creation, this principle underscores the innate capacity within us to heal and thrive. Stephen reflects on the remarkable ability of the human body to restore itself and encourages listeners to embrace forgiveness and wholeness in all aspects of life. He emphasizes the abundant life made possible through Christ and the divine provision of wholeness. Tune in to discover how aligning with this life principle can lead to a more fulfilled and purpose-driven existence. Remember to "Be The Light" as you journey forward with purpose and vision.

What is Vision Forward with Stephen Schlabach?

A daily dose of Inspiration, Vision and Strategy. A short listen that is sure to encourage you to move your vision forward.