
“If you want your customers to love what you do as a company, then you need to start with your employees loving what they do.” - Marc Cox, The Business Case for Love

Marc Cox is the founder of The Company Spirit and author of 'The Business Case for Love' published in 2020. Kevin Monk and Mariah Young talked shop with Marc around his ideas for success in the current climate - and you guessed it - it starts with happiness in the workforce!

Marc Cox began his career in the advertising industry and has worked with a variety of companies across sectors. The most common thread amongst his clients is the attitude of the ‘boss’ - each is curious and open-minded with a deep thirst for learning. 
Marc set up The Company Spirit to help support good leadership that seeks to involve all employees. This led him to write his book The Business Case for Love which outlines six ‘best in class’ principles to help organisations succeed.

The main aim of SARD is to help improve the NHS, Britain's public health service. Healthcare and IT are ever-changing and we are interested in the ways that we can help it evolve with the growing population. SARD created a podcast because there’s constant change, growth even, in our industry and we want to shout about it – this podcast is essentially our proverbial mountaintop and we’re here to share all that’s going on. 

What is SARDisms?

SARD provide workforce management software to the healthcare sector. With our hosts Mariah Young and Joe Wilkinson, this podcast discusses about all the great innovation and rapid changes happening at SARD and throughout various industries.