Woodside Bible Church Detroit

Woodside Bible Church Detroit Trailer Bonus Episode 2502 Season 1

Praying to be more like Christ

Praying to be more like ChristPraying to be more like Christ

One of the most humbling characteristics of God to witness is His generosity.  The way that we see God provide for his people time and time again should spur us on to want to be more like Jesus.  In this sermon, Pastor Abe Phillip asks do people see the love of God when they see you? What does your witness to the world say about you and about God?

Text: John 17:6-9
Big Idea: Why Pray? To know the generosity of God.
Key Question: What has God given?
1.     God has given us to Christ. (vv. 6, 9)
2.    Christ has given us God’s Word. (vv. 7-8)

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