My View Finder - How Photographers Approach Photography

Dona Schwartz - An Ethnographic Approach to Photography - Part 1

Show Notes

Today I sit down with Dona Schwartz. Dona is a professor of photography here at the University of Calgary and the President and Chair of the Exposure Photography Festival. I learn about her personal photographic process and the influence of her career as an Ethnographic researcher. A scientific approach that informs her art practice and inspires us to look beyond just pretty pictures. For Dona the camera is a tool to help express narratives built around research and observation of a person's ideas.
I'm adding challenges or thoughts to the end of each episode. Today's consideration is to look for something that is a passion (or an irritant) in your life and to consider how it might be represented in images. While we can't hope to complete a story in a week (Dona's research took years), we might start forming ideas around these intuitions. And most importantly, we might be inclined to get out and take more pictures!
My View Finder is a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network. Locally Grown, Community Supported.

What is My View Finder - How Photographers Approach Photography?

My View Finder podcast is a series of interviews with photographers asking how they approach their craft. Learning where photography comes from will hopefully inspire people to take more pictures and to learn how to take meaning pictures. For themselves and the world at large!