Cumi Cheree

Have you ever asked God when He would answer your prayer? Have you been frustrated about God not responding to you based on your expectations? In this episode, we outline 5 ways that you can do your part to position yourself to be next to receive your breakthrough. Join us as we share some of the successful ways to position ourselves to be NEXT!

Grounding Scripture
Prerequisites to Position Yourself / Hebrews 11:6

Other Scriptures Referenced 
His thoughts vs our thoughts / Isaiah 55:8-10
No revenge--He will avenge / Romans 12:19
Do not gloat when He avenges you / Proverbs 24:17-18
Give thanks--always / I Thessalonians 5:16-18
Nothing is too hard for God / Jeremiah 32:27

What is Cumi Cheree ?

Cumi Cheree means "Arise, Beloved." Cumi Cheree is a fresh invitation to women to embody the rest that comes from trusting God. As we embark on this wellness journey with you, we will explore our personal struggles and victories--as well as those of other women. We look forward to being vulnerable with you--for it is when we are weak that we are strong.