Green Talks

Welcome everyone to the third episode of Green Talks. This podcast is an initiative of Green Hub Twente aimed at sharing the perspectives of researchers from the University of Twente and their sustainable research progress with a wider audience. Today we are honored by the presence of Associate Professor Devrim Yazan. He has a background in industrial engineering with a specialization in innovation and product development management.

His current research is focusing on sustainable supply chains and circular economic business models, with particular attention on industrial symbiosis networks. His goal is to support the circular economy and energy transition under the umbrella of industrial, rural, and urban symbiosis.

Creators & Guests

Tamas Szecsei
Tamas Szecsei - Undergraduate student at the University of Twente with a major in Industrial Engineering and Management.
Devrim Yazan
Associate professor at the Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems (IEBIS) Department. With a background in industrial engineering, holding a PhD in the field of Innovation Management and Product Development. Specifically, research on sustainable supply chain management and circular economic business models, with particular attention on industrial symbiosis networks.

What is Green Talks?

We kick off one of the dearest projects, Green Talks, a podcast series aimed to give researchers of the University of Twente a voice. We have been working hard on bringing together more students and researchers working towards sustainable development.
Enjoy, inspire, and get inspired!