What is WRONG with maritime trade?

In this episode we combine the customary practice of trade in the past with the current boundaries set be competition law. The question is to what extent should we learn from the past to combat climate change and facilitate sustainable collaborations. Together with Prof. Dr. Maria Fusaro and Mariya Serafimova we discuss the potential solutions.

What is What is WRONG with maritime trade??

In this podcast we ask „What is wrong with (maritime) trade?”. It is hosted by Julia Hörnig, Assistant Professor for Commercial Law, as well as the Commercial Law Department at the Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam – the Capital of Trade and Transport in Europe. In monthly episodes current obstacles of international trade will be discussed. Why do we need paperless trade? Which impact has it on the environment? How does a port authority chase ships that emit more carbon than allowed? Can or should there be such thing like force majeure in times where climate is changing and weather incidents are more severe? Are seafarers sufficiently protected? We will discuss these questions and others form a legal and interdisciplinary point of view. The podcast will allow you to get to know the legal framework as well as practical obstacles, different discipline discovered. Furthermore, you will learn about our ideas and recommendations how these obstacles may be solved.