Can you see what I see?

We did not see this discussion coming....... but we both are passionate about creating a different conversation that leads to a greater world where we feel safe, secure and supported, so decided to let the conversation flow. We both know that in order for things to improve, we need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable in these difficult discussions. We are not health professionals, we are sharing our own experiences. This episode may trigger some people and we recommend you seek support from a professional who is at least trauma informed.
33% of all Australian marriages are expected to end in divorce, and countless more relationships fall by the way side. We are seeing 4th generation of people having to stay in a shelter....... we are talking inter-generational impacts of unresolved trauma.

Show Notes

  • "Trauma is about loss of connection - to ourselves, to our bodies, to our families, to others, and to the world around us.  This loss of connection is often hard to recognise, because it doesn't happen all at once.  It can happen slowly, over time, and we adapt to these subtle changes sometimes without even noticing them."  (Peter Levine)
  • We see that loss of connection as a separation from ourselves.
  • Our choices become limited as we avoid certain feelings, people, situations and places.  The result of this gradual constriction of freedom is the loss of vitality and potential for the fulfilment of our dreams....... it stops us from being the Magic of Us (episode 4).
  • While it is true that all traumatic events are stressful, all stressful events are not traumatic.
  • Dr Gabor Mate believes trauma is not what happened to you, but what happened in your body as a result of what happened.   Peter Levine agrees with this assessment ...... he says the body is the container of all of our sensations and feelings.  It is also the boundary separating us from our environment and from others.  This boundary gets ruptured in trauma so that we often feel raw and unprotected.  Skin is our first line of defence.
  • Youtube - Vagus Nerve Reset to Release Trauma Stored in the Body
  • Healing Trauma:  A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of your Body  (Peter A Levine PhD)
  • In An Unspoken Voice (Peter A Levine)
  • Complex PTSD:  From Surviving to Thriving (Pete Walker)
  • When The Body Says No:  The Cost of Hidden Stress (Dr Gabor Mate)
  • What Happened to You:  Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing (Dr Bruce D Perry and Oprah Winfrey)

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To read our terms and conditions and disclaimers includes all interviews and podcasts by Grace - Vicki Scott and Choosing Greater.

What is Can you see what I see??

Would you like to live in a kinder, happier world where people are safe, empowered and inspired to choose greater? A world that has a different vocabulary from what is considered "normal" .... and the language is empowering and actually COMMON for us all.

We see that world.