Precious Stories

From working at the Herald Office in Melbourne CBD straight out of high school to being an 18 year old in the Army and being present at the Darwin Bombings in 1942. Gerry Sexton has quite an amazing life story.

Show Notes

From working at the Herald Office in Melbourne CBD straight out of high school to being an 18 year old in the Army and being present at the Darwin Bombings in 1942. Gerry Sexton has quite an amazing life story.

Through this interview, Gerry discusses falling in love during the World War Two, being a father of 8 children, their connection to Marcellin College and witnessing the development of Melbourne and Marcellin College.

What is Precious Stories?

Everyone has a story to tell.
Recording an audio conversation with a family member or friend is an essential starting point for preserving their precious story. We respectfully and expertly guide the process ensuring those treasured memories are captured in studio-quality audio forever.