Gaming the System

Gaming the System Trailer Bonus Episode 35 Season 1

011 - Are Parents to Blame for Gaming Addiction? w/ Nadja Streiter

011 - Are Parents to Blame for Gaming Addiction? w/ Nadja Streiter011 - Are Parents to Blame for Gaming Addiction? w/ Nadja Streiter


Nadja Streiter is a therapist, parent coach and Director of Programs at Game Quitters. 
On this episode of Gaming the System she joins me in a discussion about whether or not parents are to blame for their child's addiction.
On the internet, the first thing that people criticize when gaming disorder gets mentioned is the parents. It's eas understand why. The parents are responsible for the child's upbringing, so they will have the greatest impact on whether or not a child develops an addiction. Right?
Well, not entirely.
Due to the changing world of gaming, more and more games are being designed to addict and it's only getting worse.

As I mentioned in the episode we're running a FREE webinar on the 31st October at 7 PM PST. It's all about the most common mistakes parents make when it comes to gaming addiction, and if you're a parent struggling at the moment you don't want to miss it. So click the link here to sign up:

Thanks for listening, and as always don't forget to leave a rating, review or comment. It really helps us out! Until next time.

Show Notes

Nadja Streiter is a therapist, parent coach and Director of Programs at Game Quitters. 

On this episode of Gaming the System she joins me in a discussion about whether or not parents are to blame for their child's addiction.

On the internet, the first thing that people criticize when gaming disorder gets mentioned is the parents. It's eas understand why. The parents are responsible for the child's upbringing, so they will have the greatest impact on whether or not a child develops an addiction. Right?

Well, not entirely.

Due to the changing world of gaming, more and more games are being designed to addict and it's only getting worse.

As I mentioned in the episode we're running a FREE webinar on the 31st October at 7 PM PST. It's all about the most common mistakes parents make when it comes to gaming addiction, and if you're a parent struggling at the moment you don't want to miss it. So click the link here to sign up:

Thanks for listening, and as always don't forget to leave a rating, review or comment. It really helps us out! Until next time.


What is Gaming the System?

Part of the Game Quitters network, GTS brings you everything you need to know about video game addiction, and how people have changed their lives after overcoming it.

Each week we cover a range of topics from industry news and surprise mechanics to companies fighting back against gaming disorder.