The Junkyard Love Podcast

Tyler Milliken is a Live Event Production Manager, Director and Coordinator. In this episode, Tyler and I talk about new norms and how they affect us in abstract ways, we talk about censorship, explicit vs. clean content, we chat about the people who control our content and teaching young adults by way of leadership example. We talk being free to say what we want to say, the meaning behind words we consider taboo or negative, the ratings in movies, games, music and commonly consumed content, the marketing of modern advertisements, the future of censorship and even some background on my work filtering bad words out of content that is intended to be clean. Tyler and I discuss the abnormalities that have become our normalities through the changing times and we lightly dissect today's modern political climate. Mr. Milliken sends us away with what the world needs more of: Unapologetic Patience. I hope you're enjoying the show, consider leaving a comment, sharing with a friend, subscribing, following, or hitting that thumbs up. We wish you well, please take care of yourselves!

What is The Junkyard Love Podcast?

This is a creative/philosophical/personal-growth podcast that shares discussions with unorthodox teachers and interesting humans. Through honest conversation with the host, Jacob, we mine the hearts and minds of one another to discover interest, connection, theory, stories, joy, creativity, knowledge, and wisdom. Jacob navigates the human condition through a growing lens of mindfulness, curiosity, and thoughtfulness.

Here you'll find playful, inquisitive, and friendly dialogues with the likes of psychologists, musicians, teachers, yoga instructors, philosophers, DJs, health educators, entrepreneurs, astrologists, holistic healers, meditators, life coaches, athletes, hairdressers, authors, speakers, comedians, leaders, advocates, changemakers, seemingly regular people bursting with wisdom, artists, mathematicians, and much more.