Price of Admission

Born and Raised in Saches, TX (pronounced Saxie), Tim has returned to his stomping grounds today to raise the fam.  A 4 year letter winner at Navy in kicking, ’99 NFB senior, class of 2000.  “Scooby” is a flier of jets - FA-18s specifically.  Tim’s been a flight instructor, the XO of CENTCOM’s Joint Ops Center in Tampa, FL.  He then transitioned to the corporate world.  What a great story.  This one was particularly fun for me - talking through the highs and lows.  Tim talks about the passing of his older brother, the impact of “Carry the Load”, and how the Navy Reserves have been good for him.  Great reminders from Tim:  1) Always root for the underdog.  2) Life is bigger and more important than yourself.  3) Faith and Family first.

What is Price of Admission ?

Perseverance stories from all phases of the journey, capturing critical confidence realizations that built character and teams.

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