The Lindroth Hockey Podcast

The Lindroth boys are back at it this week with a special episode and guest, Douglas Smith! You might recognize the name 'Doug Glatt' from the movie 'Goon'! Doug co-authored his book on his minor-pro hockey experiences entitled 'Goon', which later turned into the hockey cult classic that all hockey fans and non-fans love to watch. Tune into episode 33 today as we discuss Doug's incredible and unlikely journey to becoming a minor-pro hockey player, being a fight coach for the Boston and Providence Bruins, fighting in hockey today, the movie 'Goon' & much more!!

Show Notes

0:00- Show/Guest Introduction
1:15- Doug Smith joins the show
1:07:48- Doug Smith exits the show
1:08:14- Final thoughts/comments
End of Show

What is The Lindroth Hockey Podcast?

The Lindroth Hockey Podcast is brought to you by co-hosts/son and father duo, Andrew & Jim Lindroth! This weekly show interviews hockey players, coaches, and GMs from around the world, bringing you behind-the-scenes access to the world of professional hockey!
Follow us on social media!
Andrew Lindroth- Twitter, @andrewlindrothh | Instagram @andrewlindroth
Jim Lindroth- Twitter, @JLindroth | Instagram @Jlindroth007