You Are A Lawyer: Take Risks and Change Careers in Law

"Trial Bill" or Bill Mitchell turned a $66,000 decision into a million-dollar law firm. Experience indeed makes the best teacher because Bill Mitchell didn’t know anything about evaluating cases when he accepted a $75,000 trial case. With one goal, to exit the case before years were spent on litigation, Bill earned a grand $66,000 for this case. 

The referring attorney rewarded Bill with so much work that Bill eventually founded the law firm Cruser Mitchell and began teaching others how to negotiate. 

Contact Kyla Denanyoh ( for a copy of Bill's book, The Disruptive Lawyer's Guide to Litigation Management.

How to Disrupt the Legal Practice
Once Bill appreciated the value of becoming a master deal maker, he became an unintentional litigation disruptor. While wearing a Chicago Bulls jersey with Michael Jordan’s name on the back, Bill began to give speeches about how litigators should adjust their mindsets and disrupt the legal practice. As a self-proclaimed Pistons fan, Bill Mitchell couldn’t deny the lessons that he learned from watching Jordan. 

With more research and time, Bill developed this speech into the book that he co-authored with J. Robb Cruser, another named partner of Cruser Mitchell. In the book, The Disruptive Lawyer’s Little Black Book of Litigation Management, Bill explains how lawyers must change their mindset and skillset to disrupt the legal practice and become better litigators. 

“I used to give this book away because I can give you the plan, but you must also have the skill set to complete it,” explains Bill Mitchell in Episode 96 of You Are A Lawyer. 

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What is You Are A Lawyer: Take Risks and Change Careers in Law?

You Are A Lawyer is an interview podcast that promotes lawyers with fearless career changes, ambitious side hustles, and extraordinary lives.

On this top-rated podcast, Kyla holds space for lawyers to be transparent and honest about their law school experiences, transitions out of the law, or the leaps they took to become a filmmaker, yogi, beauty brand founder, entrepreneur, etc.

Ranked at 42 of the Top 90 Legal Podcasts, this podcast will motivate you to start that side hustle, challenge you to find a nontraditional career, and push you to embrace the hobby you’ve been hiding.

So ask yourself, are you an ambitious lawyer who feels limited in your career? A law student who daydreams about impacting the world? Did you struggle with the bar exam, and now you’re bored with the law?

Listen to You Are A Lawyer and discover new careers, amazing passions, and advice from lawyers who will motivate you to find new ways to use your law degree. Whether you’re working as an artist, tech investor, coach, or blogger, if you’ve graduated from law school, YOU ARE A LAWYER, and your law degree is valuable.

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