B2B Revenue Rebels

Adir Ben-Yehuda was the first sales hire and VP of Revenue at Walnut, the industry's leading interactive demo platform. He grew the company's revenue from 0 to double digit millions in ARR. But it's not his first time doing it. He's figured out his own repeatable sales optimization process and how to build a narrative around the product and category.

Today we’re going to talk about that growth story and the lessons they learned along the way, like what VPs of sales should do in their first 90 days, the process Adir used when narrowing focus on the right ICP and messaging towards that ICP, how to handle the age old sales objection “not right now,” and how to build systems to get ahead of the next stage of growth. 

What is B2B Revenue Rebels?

Welcome to the Revenue Rebels podcast, hosted by Alan Zhao, Co-Founder of Warmly.ai.

We feature B2B SaaS revenue leaders who have challenged traditional methods to achieve remarkable results.

In each episode we cut through the fluff and dive deep into modern tactics used to achieve success: intent-based outreach, social selling, B2B Netflix, video marketing, warm calling, customer led sales, influencer marketing and more.

On the show you can expect episodes with those who create demand - marketing experts, partnerships gurus and social media superstars and those who capture demand - outbound and inbound sales experts, leaders, and practitioners.

Our goal is to shine a light on modern, effective and unique revenue generating methods and equip you with the insights you need to unlock your next strategic advantage.

We're huge proponents of signal-based selling and signal-based, data-driven B2B go-to-market as a whole. Ask us what "Autonomous Revenue Orchestration" means and we'll be more than happy to shine a light on our vision of what the field of B2B revenue will become.

For more content, check out our YouTube page and LinkedIn newsletter!