Share The Luv - The Fight to Speak my Truth

This is part two of a story about being forcibly disconnected from everything and the battle for my truth and freedom.  I lost myself and was pushed to the point of potential suicide.  Nobody should ever have to feel this way.  The costs are immeasurable.  I am now a different person.

Any information, views or opinions expressed in this podcast are not intended to identify specific individuals or place blame. This is a personal account and honest opinion of how I felt bullied, isolated and intimidated through a system of oppression based on the facts of the matter.

What is Share The Luv - The Fight to Speak my Truth?

This is a story about being forcibly disconnected from everything and the battle for my truth and freedom. I lost myself and was pushed to the point of potential suicide. Nobody should ever have to feel this way. The costs are immeasurable. I am now a different person.

Any information, views or opinions expressed in this podcast are not intended to identify specific individuals or place blame. This is a personal account and honest opinion of how I felt bullied, isolated and intimidated through a system of oppression based on the facts of the matter.