No Ablo Espangnole

We have a guest! Our friend, Hannah, joins us for this episode of NAE. As Anna's designated gym partner, we spill the tea on all things Auburn rec center, and our gym crushes. Did you know that Hannah's into men that look like Mr. Potato Head? Old, bald, and chubby! Also Erik's from the streets and teaches us suburban girls about gangs! How educational. Can white parents hang? Probably not, but all we're going to say is that Brenda and Randy are bad bitches. Oh and to conclude... Lizard People. That's all.

What is No Ablo Espangnole?

Hola class! Strap in for the greatest hour of your life. Have your mind BLOWN away as we introduce you to the world of ~diversity~ with our stimulating conversations. Basically we have a tea sesh, and we want you to join! Hear two very different perspectives about college, society, and just life in general. And yes, we do know that the title of the show is misspelled. If you didn't pick up on that, stay tuned and we will culture you!