Driving to the Rez - With Inelia Benz and Larry Buzzell

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Powerful practice for exploring the human condition, and reality itself 

Topics in this episode: 
  • The truth about using plants to expand your awareness
  • Inelia's personal experience with Ayahuasca and mushrooms
  • School and daydreaming
  • About a very prolific inventor and how his inventions came about
  • Larry's LSD experience and what he learned from it
  • A sure sign that you have been traveling into the Astral Plane
  • Processing your fears even in the dream state
  • Academia and daydreaming: Dr. Kara's experience
  • Fred's study of Carlos Castaneda
  • The Gaia meditation by Inelia Benz
  • I, me and myself and... We, us ourselves

What is Driving to the Rez - With Inelia Benz and Larry Buzzell?

The podcast where you learn how to get to your roots and take your power back. Be it UFOs, Sasquatch, Artificial Intelligence, Shamanism or Crystals no topic is off limits for Driving to the Rez.