A Couple Guys Reading

This week, Sam and Tex are diving into a world of magic, assassins, and, yes, intense palace drama with Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. And while we might not be the typical target audience for a fantasy novel featuring a fierce female assassin deciding betwixt two lovers, we’re here to give you our take on the first half of this epic saga.

Join us as we unravel the story of Celaena Sardothien, a notorious assassin who’s gone from the salt mines to the palace. We’ll tackle the thrilling competition that tests her skills, the royal intrigue that could give any soap opera a run for its money, and the many, many ways Celaena’s life is about to get even more complicated.

We’ll give you our thoughts, predictions, and some good-natured ribbing about this fantasy world that’s definitely not our usual genre. Whether you’re a fan of epic fantasy or just here for our decidedly unqualified opinions, we promise a lively discussion and some laughs along the way.
So grab your copy of Throne of Glass, settle in, and let’s dive into a world of swords, secrets, and maybe a little romance—courtesy of two guys who are just trying to understand it all. Don’t forget to subscribe and join the conversation!

What is A Couple Guys Reading?

Join Tex and Sam, two guys who are on a comedic venture into the uncharted territories of books your wife has probably read.