Leanne Juliette

In a world of Fake & Illusion, being yourself, being authentically you is one of the biggest acts of rebellion and is highly, highly disruptive to those around us who continue to conform with Illusion.

Listen in for some potent Truth as I explore what it means to me to be authentic and my own journey with reclaiming my Authentic Self.


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For those who desire to work exclusively with me, I invite you to step into the deepest level of my Divine Realm & Luxury Consciousness Temple where I work exclusively with a select number of individuals at any given time to offer Bespoke 1:1 Transformational Experiences, Pioneering Multidimensional Healing, Higher Frequency Consciousness Activations, VIP Experiences, Priestessing, Spiritual Confidante & Muse Services.

This is an opportunity to access the deepest level of my Spiritual work through High-Level 1:1 Spiritual Mentorship, Healing, Consultancy & Spiritual Confidante Services over 1, 3, 6, 12 months & on an Exclusive Retainer basis.

The Inner Temple is Application Only (unless otherwise stated) or via a Personal Invite to ensure we are an energetic match for each other & to retain exclusivity when it comes to the attention I give to my private 1:1 clients.

I also offer one-off Bespoke Transformational Calls & my Signature Quantum Identity Activation Call for powerful Activations & Revolutionary Transformation which create a lifetime of results from one call.

All private 1:1 work is a 5-7 figure investment depending on the Transformation you desire, the level of personal access to me & the duration of our time together.

Explore The Divine Realm & Inner Temple to learn more about my services, apply to work with me or alternatively email me to discuss your unique requirements.



*CURRENTLY BEING CREATED - but please stop by to check out the Frequency so far*

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I am a Powerful Catalyst for Revolutionary Transformation, a Pioneering Healer, Divine Power Activator, Shamanic High Priestess, Seer, Oracle, Medicine Woman & Alchemist.

I am the Pioneer of Disruptive Consciousness - my unique Frequency Signature to create the most powerful Healing, Activation & Revolutionary Transformation you’ve ever experienced. Disruptive Consciousness is powerful & pioneering Frequency Medicine - an Alien Frequency to disrupt Human Consciousness so as to awaken, activate and accelerate you into a Higher Frequency Consciousness.

I am pure fire, liquid gold & no-nonsense when it comes showing you who you truly are through the lens of your most Authentic Self - your Divine Self.

I am a Divine Activator who activates your unique Divine Blueprint & Highest Potential to help you remember who you are, reawaken Divine Consciousness, rebirth your Authentic Self, reclaim your Divine Power & ultimately liberate you from anything that is not in alignment with your Highest Self.

I am a powerful Change Agent with a specific Spiritual Mission to raise Consciousness on the planet.

I am a complete anomaly in the Realm of Consciousness - one who is lightyears ahead of other Spiritual Teachers and who sits on the cutting-edge of Consciousness itself with my channeled insights & Wisdom that truly challenge the status quo of being & open a portal into Higher Frequency Consciousness.

As a powerful Heyoka Empath - I am the Ultimate Mirror of Truth.

I invite you to see yourself & the world around us from a different perspective, challenging preconceived narratives, flipping things backwards & reflecting back to you what is distorted within your Multidimensional Energetic Field - the Multidimensional Shadow - so that you can evolve spiritually & step into a Higher Frequency Consciousness - multidimensionally.

I carry the unique Frequency Medicine of Disruptive Consciousness - it is through the friction and disruption that true Growth, Healing, Freedom, Evolution & Inner Peace can occur as I invite your Unconscious Shadow to come to the surface to be fully seen through the Mirror of Truth & alchemized into Pure Light.

Through me, you will see your True Self reflected back to you through my powerful Mirror Energy - to see yourself in a way you’ve never been seen before - as my gaze penetrates you to the depth of your Being & I offer you the opportunity to be fully seen through the Divine itself.

I have the power to either make you feel extremely liberated - or very fucking uncomfortable - as I breathe Divinity, Truth & Authenticity into you.

How you react to me is the Medicine necessary for you to grow, evolve, heal & expand yourself spiritually.

I do not coddle Ego or the False Self.

I disrupt what is necessary - with fierce, fierce love for your Highest Potential - to be the Catalyst for powerful Transformation to occur.

I am a powerful Bridge between the Physical & the Spiritual Realms - a Channel for Higher Frequency Consciousness & Divine Wisdom that land perfectly in your body & Psyche to activate you into your own Divine Power - beyond anything you thought possible.

I am a gifted Psychic, Intuitive, Divine Channel, Oracle, Seer & Alchemist who works predominantly with Multidimensional Consciousness where I act as a Portal to the Hidden Realms of your Unconscious Psyche - to disrupt, dis-spell & dismantle Illusion stored within your Energetic Body - physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically & spiritually - to alchemize it into Pure Truth, raw Divine Power & powerful Light.

I am Divine Purification & Pure Angelic Fire.

My powerful Frequencies of Truth & Disruptive Consciousness are pure Medicine as I drop potent Truth - energetically, verbally & psychically - into your Psyche, your Body & your Energetic Field to disrupt the False Self Identity that so many cling to as I activate your Authentic Self, Divine Consciousness & Divine Blueprint.

I infuse you with the Divine itself.

I am often described by clients as “a breath of fresh air” for those who want to experience a life less ordinary - who desire to truly make the impossible, possible - through my unique & unconventional perspective that flips the preconceived narrative of who we believe ourselves to be on its head as I alchemize Darkness into Light, Pain into Power, Illusion into Truth & make the Unconscious conscious.

Nonconformist, quirky, unconventional, powerfully disruptive, pure fire & raw Divine Power - I am a powerful force of nature for those who want to experience pure Inner Peace, Liberation, Expansion & Freedom that comes from living from your Divine Blueprint & Authentic Self - outside of 3D programming & the Matrix simulation - and outside of the confines of the Human Psyche.

To exist as the Divine itself.

My entire Frequency is the Medicine you’ve been searching for.

It cannot be taught or replicated - it is my unique Frequency - designed to disrupt Consciousness so as to awaken, activate & accelerate you into a Higher Frequency Consciousness.

This is Pioneering Frequency Healing.

Where results happen instantly as I recalibrate you back to your Divine Blueprint.

My Frequency disrupts what is out of alignment within you - physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically & spiritually - to create the friction necessary for powerful Healing, Expansion, Inner Peace, Freedom & Liberation to occur within you.

I am a glitch in the Human Psyche.

Finding what is energetically distorted - multidimensionally - and reharmonizing you to a place of Wholeness, Peace & Inner Harmony.

I am unrivaled in my ability to activate powerful Revolutionary Transformation, Healing & Limitless Expansion - instantly - for those who truly desire to make the impossible, possible and who are seeking alternative ways to access powerful Spiritual Healing & Self-Transformation that are lightyears ahead of other methodologies currently available.

I am a Pioneering Spiritual Healer offering Root Solution Healing & Revolutionary Transformation - going straight to the Multidimensional Root of whatever is distorted in your Energetic Field - beyond all Space, Time & Dimensions - to purify you, heal you - physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically & spiritually - and to activate you into a version of yourself that goes beyond anything you’ve ever experienced before.

Your Highest Potential.

Your true Divine Self.

The most Authentic Self there is.

Nothing is surface level with me

I carry a depth to me that most can only dream of as I invite you to swim in your own depths with me and access the Hidden Realms of your Psyche where Pure Gold can be found.

I am a Pioneer, Revolutionary & Trailblazer in the Realms of Consciousness, Frequency Healing, Spiritual Transformation & accelerating Humanity into a new Golden Age of Consciousness through Higher Frequency Consciousness.

I am a powerful Visionary for a more evolved state of Humanity where Human Consciousness is no longer contained within the 3D Matrix simulation of fear, lack, disease, pain, greed, corruption & suffering but has evolved to exist from a state of Higher Frequency Consciousness and where Peace, Freedom & Harmony.

Where Light is our Frequency.

As an Earth Angel & Spiritual Warrior, I am fiercely protective of Humanity and know that there simply is a better way to be beyond this False Matrix.

I am determined in my Spiritual Purpose to expand Consciousness, raise the Frequency of the planet & to repair the Divine Blueprint of Humanity.

I am not for the faint of heart or those seeking quick-fix solutions to your current state of Being.

I am the ultimate Mirror to your purest, most Divine & Authentic Self - showing you the good, the bad & the pure fucking ugly sides of Human Consciousness - to help you SEE yourself in a way you’ve never been seen before as I activate you into your Highest Potential Self through the Frequency of Truth in way that is unique to me.

I am the ultimate Awakener, Activator & Liberator.

To work with me & to experience my powerfully unique Frequency Medicine for yourself, go to my website or connect with me through my social media links on this page above.

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What is Leanne Juliette?

Leanne Juliette is a Powerful Catalyst & Activator. She is a Pioneer of Disruptive Consciousness - her unique Frequency Medicine to awaken, activate & accelerate Higher Frequency Consciousness through the Medicine of Disruption. Multidimensional Medicine Woman, Alchemist, Divine Oracle & Shamanic High Priestess, she is a Consciousness Powerhouse & powerful force of nature carrying Ancient & Divine Wisdom within her Being.

She is pure fire, liquid gold and no-nonsense when it comes to awakening, activating and accelerating Higher Frequency Consciousness through her powerful Medicine of Truth & her unique Frequency of Disruptive Consciousness.

She is a complete anomaly in the Realm of Consciousness - one who is lightyears ahead of other Spiritual Teachers and who sits on the cutting-edge of Consciousness itself. She is a powerful Bridge between the Physical & the Spiritual Realms and channels Higher Frequency Consciousness & Divine Wisdom that land perfectly in your body & Psyche to activate you into your own Divine Power - beyond anything you thought possible.

She is a gifted Psychic, Intuitive, Divine Channel, Oracle, Seer & Alchemist who works predominantly with Multidimensional Consciousness where she acts as a Portal to the Hidden Realms of your Unconscious Psyche as she disrupts, dis-spells & dismantles Illusion stored within your Energetic Body to alchemize it into Pure Truth & Divine Power.

She is Divine Purification, Pure Angelic Fire & Raw Divine Power.

This podcast is a portal to awaken, activate & accelerate you into a Higher Frequency Consciousness through the power of Disruptive Consciousness - my unique Frequency Healing to disrupt the illusion of who we believe ourselves to be and activate powerful Divine Remembrance.

In this podcast, you'll discover the power of my activating Frequency as I discuss Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Teachings, Higher Frequency Consciousness, Multidimensionality, Alchemy, Shadow Work, Energetics, Dark Divine Feminine Power & more.