Opening Weekend

“E.T. phone Zmed!”
It’s the summer of ‘82 and Jason, Dan, & Fred are lining up outside the movie theater to see the most anticipated movie of the year…GREASE 2! 
Also, there was apparently a movie about an alien called E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL that people liked, too. 

Jason is getting sued for Smurf copyright-infringement; Olivia Newton John is helping Dan get Physical…with himself; and Fred is stealing magic balls and slicing up fetal pigs…ya know, your typical early tween summer in the 80s. Let’s bowl, let’s bowl, let’s rock and roll with EPISODE 97 of OPENING WEEKEND! 

What is Opening Weekend?

In a world where cinemas have closed their doors (at least for the time being), "Opening Weekend" celebrates one of the many things we’d all love to be doing right now - going to the movies on a Friday night with our friends... Every week, Jason O'Connell, Fred Berman, and Dan Matisa (best friends, professional actors, and self-professed movie geeks) look back at a different opening weekend from the last 40 years, and bask in the warm, nostalgic, popcorn-buttery glow of going to the movies.