#5Things: This Week in Social

#5Things: This Week in Social Trailer Bonus Episode 67 Season 1

"Fear of the Robot Apocalypse"

"Fear of the Robot Apocalypse""Fear of the Robot Apocalypse"

This week, we welcome Edmée to the podcast, the team gets philosophical about the five senses, and we find out why Kenny re-named this episode "Fear of the Robot Apocalypse"... it was going to be another Clubhouse pun.
Your 5 Things:
  1. Pinterest Announced Initiatives to Celebrate API Heritage Month
  2. Clubhouse Tackles an NFL Partnership
  3. YouTube Tested Timed Comments
  4. Instagram Launched Audio/Video Off Button for Live
  5. Facebook Announced Advances In Object Identification Tech
Sources: Social Media Today, Digital Information World, World Tech News
Host: Kenny Gold, Beth Rolfs, Edmée Jorge
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API Resources: Asian Pacific Fund | Hollaback | National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum: NAPAWF

Creators & Guests

Joey Scarillo
Danielle Hunt

What is #5Things: This Week in Social?

Each week Grey brings you five important things happening in the world of social and digital media.
This round table panel covers platform updates, creative inspiration, stories in the news, and more.
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