Additive Snack

The nuclear industry is an underestimated technology that has a substantial impact on daily life. With an uptime average of ninety-three percent, nuclear power plants in the U.S. are three times more reliable than low-carbon technologies. Plus, that reliability makes the technology a smart choice to use as a backbone for future grids. 
To gain a wider understanding of nuclear power and the future role of additive manufacturing (AM) in it, Host Fabian Alefeld speaks with the Global AM Program Leader of Westinghouse Nuclear, Adam Travis. Along with other achievements in the AM space, Adam and Westinghouse recently celebrated the printing of their 1000th fuel flow plate for use in the nuclear industry. Adam shares Westinghouse’s AM journey and provides a glimpse into what is next for Westinghouse in the realm of nuclear power. 
Comments about the show or wish to share your AM journey? Contact us at The Additive Snack Podcast is brought to you by EOS. 
Key takeaways: 
[1:17] Nuclear is the best backbone for low-carbon grids. 
[6:47] AM helps design and manufacture safety-related parts for nuclear power plants. 
[23:52] An AM part was created to offer critical fuel supply diversity for Ukraine. 
[28:27] Westinghouse’s additive manufacturing journey. 
[38:35] Future AM applications at Westinghouse. 
Resource links: 
Westinghouse Nuclear 

Creators & Guests

Fabian Alefeld

What is Additive Snack?

Join host Fabian Alefeld and a range of guests as they discuss all things additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing news, with interviews and real-world stories to educate and entertain. Each episode, Fabian talks to AM experts, professionals in specialist fields, and 3D printing users from all walks of life to deliver a well-rounded view on the state of AM.

Cut through the confusion surrounding polymer and metal additive manufacturing solutions with our digestible, down-to-earth discussions that deliver insights into common mistakes and best practice tips so you can get a clear understanding of AM — layer for layer.

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