
Sub-Auteurs Trailer Bonus Episode 51 Season 1

Peacemaker Packs NSFW Awesomeness

Peacemaker Packs NSFW AwesomenessPeacemaker Packs NSFW Awesomeness


John Cena stars in this Suicide Squad spinoff from director James Gunn, and it's every bit as offensively hilarious as you could hope! Listen in - we got an early look at Season 1, and we still arent over it!

Show Notes

John Cena stars in this Suicide Squad spinoff from director James Gunn, and it's every bit as offensively hilarious as you could hope! Listen in - we got an early look at Season 1, and we still arent over it!

Sub-Auteurs is produced, recorded, and distributed by Big Baby Studios.

What is Sub-Auteurs?

A radio DJ, a writer, and a filmmaker walk into a podcast. Hijinks ensue. Lured by a mutual love of film (and a greater love of mocking those that never should’ve been made), Anjo, Mayee, and Misha pass happy judgment on the good, the bad, and the ugly that cross their screens. Welcome to the world of Sub-Auteurs. Sub-Auteurs is produced, recorded, and distributed by Big Baby Studios.