Show Notes
Paul Watson is the founder and face of Sea Shepherd - the marine conservation organisation. He's also well known for his interventionist approach to protecting whales and other marine creatures.
Watson has spent 50 years as an environmental activist. Some of the details of his exploits we've included in our profile of Paul Watson -
Phil Stubbs recently interviewed Paul Watson to ask about life for him now, what he’s learned about activism, and the challenges for the natural world from human activity.
Phil had interviewed Watson ten years ago in the midst of the ‘Whale Wars’ taking place between the Japanese whaling fleet and Sea Shepherd in the Southern Ocean (with Watson on a satellite phone from his ship in the Antarctic.)
Listen to Phil's original interview.
One result of those clashes is the Japanese are no longer conducting whale hunts in Antarctic Waters. But Paul Watson is also now contending with legal restrictions slapped on him by the Japanese to prevent him from travelling and going to sea against them.
Watson doesn't mince his words. In this post, you'll find a collection of Paul Watson's best quotes -