Jen and Alise are the Miss Frizzle of the vagina this week! Jump in the bus and get an awesome overview of the vulva, head up the vagina and find out just what's happening with your amazing cervix. That's right, every other body part should be so jealous of the cervix. Find out why on this week's episode.

Show Notes

A quick anatomy lesson went haywire when Jen and Alise realized that most women don't have down their basic anatomy before they give birth. There are far too many women walking the streets believing that we pee out of the vagina. To stop that rumor here, the ladies do a simple and humorous anatomy lesson in the style of the Magic School Bus. What would it be like if Miss Frizzle took the kids up the vagina and bumped into a closed posterior cervix that was just waiting to prepare for labor? This week, we're not just talking basic anatomy, we learning about all of the awesome things your cervix can do. Move over dilation! Dilation is cool and all but anterior facing and effacement is about to move into the spotlight and get the attention it finally deserves. 

If you're thinking of creative ways to bring on dilation or encourage labor to begin, Jen and Alise help separate the useful tips from the not so useful tips that only leave you with diarrhea and frustration. On top of all that, they are bringing tons of information on how to keep the momentum going through labor as well. 


Pushing It Podcast is here to help you bring your "F" word (AKA flexibility) to birth, find courage, and gain a sense of humor. Jen and Alise get honest and real about pregnancy, birth, and life with a baby. Finally, a podcast for everyone else having a baby that wants the down and dirty truth from Professionals who believe there is no "right" way to birth or parent. Jen and Alise have your back because if you can't laugh without peeing yourself, you might as well laugh at yourself while doing it. Birth is never boring, learning about shouldn't be either.