Unprocessed by I Quit Sugar

Our guest today is Asha Evertsz the OG expert, Clear Skin Goddess, nutritional genius. We think she might have magic powers.

Asha pioneered the inside out outside in approach to skin, after going through her own acne and pigmentation experience. She wanted to create an evidence based demystifying solution for beauties that don't want to rely on band aid fixes like the pill or accutane.

And guess what? She did it and more!

Through her clinic The Clear Skin Experts in Melbourne, Asha and her team are passionate about taking the shame and stigma out of acne and healing for happiness.

We told you she has magic powers!

Here are some helpful links we discussed in the episode:
Asha Evertsz Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_acne_activist_/?hl=en
The Clear Skin Experts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clearskin_experts/?hl=en
The Clear Skin Experts Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clearskinexpert/
The Clear Skin Expert Website: https://www.theclearskinexperts.com.au/

No Ugly https://nougly.nz/au?gclid=CjwKCAiAioifBhAXEiwApzCzts8Vta5YSRSQCBKUhdu1D3dkF1g8657awnqxAQT8-4aVcTNPemb2-xoCDLgQAvD_BwE

No Ugly Skin 

Website goodnessme.com.au
Goodness Me's Instagram https://www.instagram.com/goodnessme/
Co-Host Peta Shulman https://www.instagram.com/petashulman/?hl=en  

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What is Unprocessed by I Quit Sugar?

I Quit Sugar are bringing you an 8 episode series where we interview some incredible people who have so much wisdom to share on different areas of health and wellbeing. It’s our hope these conversations inspire you to take control of your health and live your fullest live in the process.