Elm City Vineyard Church Talks

Blending scriptural invitations with the practice of crafting a rule of life, Josh invites us to consider how realizing existing practices and committing to new practices - not necessarily making resolutions - can transform our lives.

Show Notes

We can be planted by lifegiving streams, find pleasant places amidst boundaries, and have goodness and mercy follow us in all we do. On the eve of MLK Day, we'll even see how this kind of life can impact the world around us. Come hear God's invitations out of the Psalms and be refreshed.

- Series Description -

The spiritually grounding language of the Psalms can inspire fresh rhythms and habits for this new year. Blending scriptural invitations with the practice of crafting a rule of life, consider how understanding existing practices and committing to new practices - not necessarily making resolutions - can transform our lives.

Creators & Guests

Josh Williams

What is Elm City Vineyard Church Talks?

Elm City Vineyard Church Talks is a collection of talks from Elm City Vineyard Church, a faith community in New Haven, CT.