Conservatives' Guide

Last night Tucker Carlson highlighted numerous examples of media big wigs and political heavy weights calling for jailing of people who repeat Russian talking points. Is this the America we thought Biden would bring us? Is this the fundamental transformation Obama called for?

Show Notes

Today’s episode, on the surface, sounds horrible.  Listening to my words today might convince you that I am calling for civil war.  I am not calling for war, instead I am doing what President Trump would have done; giving an ultimatum and leaving it up to the political leaders to decide if civil war is next.  You should note, I am giving the exact same ultimatum our founding fathers gave 246 years ago and I am using the Ukrainian war as my evidence of effectiveness of the strategy.

Conservatives’ Guide is a listener supported national conservative talk show.  To learn more about supporting the program, please visit

What is Conservatives' Guide?

The American media is no longer neutral, instead, they use their megaphone to influence American power. The ideals of America have been hijacked by people who otherwise dislike or hate American Ideology. The left presents a 'my way or the highway' argument and for decades conservatives have been letting them be—choose to ignore the ignorance. We’ve reached the tipping point and must change our very nature to fight against the liberty stripping ideals. This Podcast is meant as a tool for common sense conservatives to arm themselves against the onslaught of negativity.