Nihongo Master

Sakura is a thing of the past, present and future of Japan. The unofficial flower of Japan is going to be the topic to kick this new season off!

Show Notes

We’re kicking off a new season yet again! Season 11’s theme is a little more fun and lighter than the previous one, but it’s also shorter. As we welcome the month of March, we also say goodbye to winter and hello to spring — this season will look at Japanese Spring!

And what do we associate spring in Japan with? I don’t know about you, but I automatically think of cherry blossoms. The unofficial flower of Japan is going to be the topic to kick this season off! 

The flower and everything that comes with it takes up a huge part of the tradition that is extremely visible to this very day.  Sakura is a thing of the past, present and future of Japan. Let’s delve into the significance of cherry blossom in Japanese culture in this episode!

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About Nihongo Master Podcast
A podcast for Japanese culture enthusiasts and language learners. Brought to you by, an e-learning site focused on helping learners at every level master the Japanese language.

What is Nihongo Master?

A podcast for Japanese culture enthusiasts and language learners. Brought to you by Nihongo Master, an e-learning site focused on helping learners at every level master the Japanese language.