Crazy Wisdom

In this episode of the Crazy Wisdom Podcast, Stewart Alsop hosts Scott Stevenson, co-founder and CEO of Spellbook, for a dynamic conversation. Scott shares insights about his background in Newfoundland, the inspiration he draws from nature, and the impact of remote work technologies like Starlink. They discuss Spellbook's pioneering use of generative AI for legal document review, the distinctions between structured and unstructured data, and the potential for AI to democratize legal services. Scott also explores the philosophical questions around AI consciousness and the concept of idealism, touching on the future of distributed computing and the legal industry's evolution. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion on technology, business, and philosophy. For more on Scott and Spellbook, visit Spellbook.

Check out this GPT we trained on the conversation!


00:00 - Introduction to Scott Stevenson, his background in Newfoundland, and the influence of nature on his ideas and work.

05:00 - Discussion on remote work, AI, and the concept of working from remote places with technologies like Starlink.

10:00 - Explanation of Spellbook's mission to help lawyers with document review and drafting using generative AI, and the challenges faced in legal tech.

15:00 - The difference between structured and unstructured data, and how Spellbook addresses these challenges for lawyers.

20:00 - The impact of AI on the legal field, and the potential for AI to make legal services more accessible to everyone.

25:00 - Stevenson’s experiences with starting companies and dealing with high legal costs, leading to the founding of Spellbook.

30:00 - Challenges of combining intuition and narrative-based reasoning in business decisions, and the importance of pattern matching.

35:00 - Discussion on the consciousness of AI, the philosophical question of what it means to be conscious, and Stevenson’s stance on idealism.

40:00 - Reflections on distributed computing, peer-to-peer models, and the challenges in building such systems.

45:00 - Future of Spellbook and the legal industry, ethical considerations in providing legal AI tools, and the regulatory landscape.

Key Insights

1-Nature as Inspiration: Scott Stevenson emphasizes how the natural beauty and solitude of Newfoundland serve as a constant source of ideas and innovation for his work. His daily walks in nature help him outmaneuver competition and think in original ways, demonstrating the importance of a natural environment in fostering creativity.

2-Evolution of Remote Work: The discussion highlights the transformative impact of remote work technologies like Starlink. Scott envisions a future where professionals can work from virtually anywhere, including remote locations like Patagonia, without sacrificing productivity or connectivity, showing the potential for a new era of work-life balance and flexibility.

3-AI’s Role in Legal Services: Spellbook's pioneering use of generative AI for legal document review and drafting is a significant advancement in legal tech. Scott explains how this technology helps lawyers handle unstructured text, particularly in contracts, making legal services more efficient and accessible, potentially transforming the legal industry.

4-Challenges of Structured vs. Unstructured Data: The conversation clarifies the difference between structured and unstructured data. Scott describes how most software is designed to handle structured data, like databases, while unstructured data, such as legal contracts, poses unique challenges that AI can help overcome by understanding and manipulating text similarly to how a human would.

5-Accessibility of Legal Services: One of Scott’s primary motivations for founding Spellbook is to make legal services more accessible to small businesses and individuals who traditionally cannot afford them. By leveraging AI, Spellbook aims to reduce the cost and complexity of legal processes, democratizing access to legal assistance.

6-Philosophical Inquiry into AI Consciousness: The episode delves into the philosophical question of whether AI can be conscious. Scott, a metaphysical idealist, believes that while AI can simulate human-like reasoning and narrative generation, it lacks true consciousness. This perspective challenges listeners to consider the deeper implications of AI in society.

7-Balancing Narrative and Intuition in Business: Scott discusses the importance of balancing narrative-based reasoning with intuitive pattern matching in business decisions. He explains how successful companies navigate both the social and material realities, using intuition and empirical data to make informed decisions, a practice that has significantly contributed to Spellbook’s growth and success.

What is Crazy Wisdom?

In his series "Crazy Wisdom," Stewart Alsop explores cutting-edge topics, particularly in the realm of technology, such as Urbit and artificial intelligence. Alsop embarks on a quest for meaning, engaging with others to expand his own understanding of reality and that of his audience. The topics covered in "Crazy Wisdom" are diverse, ranging from emerging technologies to spirituality, philosophy, and general life experiences. Alsop's unique approach aims to make connections between seemingly unrelated subjects, tying together ideas in unconventional ways.