Old World Fanatics

We chat Old World Lists today - Covering some of our favourites from the SBOT and their FAQ (Square Based Online Tournament) as well as Andrew and gommo's lists for BelCon2 - That and more hobby goodness

Follow us for lots faction reviews and Old World content on our Youtube channel as well - https://www.youtube.com/@oldworldfanatics

[04:13] - Shoutouts
[09:48] - Hobby
[49:39] - BelCon2 Lists
[1:08:55] - SBOT Lists
[1:48:36] - SBOT FAQ
[2:03:18] - Outros

Links and Shoutouts
  • SBOT Tournament Lists - https://www.newrecruit.eu/app/tournydetails/players?id=6667ed53b5f43b3166cc4fd9
  • SBOT FAQ - https://tinyurl.com/SBOT-FAQ
  • BelCon 2 Players Pack - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TwEpWTvbaM5XRklOJSwv66BwlPVbl97z/view?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2TIt1VuV4irTbgFGE-CSedbjnIHqGuauHXnc7-KIKqYBjsaIOAOWHevoE_aem_AcqBsgQLl_UL-U3zq2nY3ueIVHUQ13nPNa-NqJFXO7OJM9IwqvhQY-JrFItlsCm-l686zAH1WJl2Nh4xXlKttOlI
  • Canberra Old World Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/3382930945095108/
  • Paint Stand by PatchyHobbies - https://www.patchyhobbies.com/?peachs_apc=colin-goudie
  • Castle Assault 24 - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeLyLmgamXBye3LpKjp07CxZ_sCQgbO8uKv80QzHjhTtSduxg/viewform
  • Best Coast Pairings - https://www.bestcoastpairings.com/
  • Tournaments 🇦🇺- https://www.facebook.com/groups/1546555169415634/events
  • Old World Fanatics Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@oldworldfanatics
  • Faction Reviews - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSU0LtkAAjAwj2SPMFSIbQfLVmIjRGOnc
  • Australia Old World Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/warhammertheoldworldaus
You can follow us on
Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Ss Xe
  • Jelley
  • Contrastinghobby
  • Herald of the Old World
  • Kiel Hurd
  • David Lancaster
  • Tom
  • Matthew Klein
  • Thumper
  • Matt Morris
  • Thomas Vavasour
  • Griff
  • Jess Torres
  • Wood Duck
  • Josh Griffiths
  • ninnanuam
  • Daniel Broadstock
  • Jonathan Wengler
  • Elliot Mitchum
  • Chris Turnbull
  • Gilthos Drakoniss
  • Julien
  • Diesel
  • Cameron Atkinson
  • RE CN
  • William Paine
  • Robert Xie
  • Sparkle Titsworth
  • Andrew Harris
  • Bobby Gherkin
  • Gunwitch
  • Sean Richey
  • Todd lloyd
  • Chapstick
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Creators & Guests

Maturing like a fine wine 🍷 Warhammer Fantasy gamer | Orcs, Tomb Kings, Empire & Daemons | WAAAAGGGHH!
Bretonnian Tragic

What is Old World Fanatics?

Three guys, rolling dice and talking Warhammer Fantasy - The Old World.

Also subscribe to us on YouTube at https://youtube.com/@oldworldfanatics