What She Said!

We start with a critical and often overlooked issue: stalking. I'm excited to welcome back Julie Lalonde, a prominent women’s rights advocate, to discuss the launch of the Canadian Anti-Stalking Association. Julie's new organization is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at changing laws, providing education, and supporting stalking survivors. We'll delve into how this organization plans to transform the landscape for survivors.

Halfway through Dry January, many might be seeking motivation to continue their alcohol-free journey. Sarah Kate, founder of Some Good Clean Fun, joins us to share her insights on living without alcohol and building a community around this lifestyle. We'll explore the benefits and challenges of sobriety and get some expert tips from Sarah.

Next, we're joined by fitness expert Alyssa Ages to tackle a topic surrounded by myths: women and weightlifting. Alyssa will debunk common misconceptions and highlight the benefits of strength training for women. Let's lift the veil on this topic and embrace the empowering aspects of weightlifting.

In our Care to Know segment, we're discussing a topic often whispered about but crucial to women's health: Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM). Dr. Christine Palmay, a family doctor from Midtown Toronto, is here to shed light on this condition and discuss available treatments. It's time to bring this conversation into the open.

To round off the show, we're joined by Misty Pratt, author of 'All in Her Head: How Gender Bias Harms Women's Mental Health.' Misty's book offers a deep dive into the unique challenges women face in mental health care and the systemic changes needed for true flourishing. This is a big topic, and I'm eager to delve into this crucial conversation with Misty.


Julie S. Lalonde 

Sarah Kate 

Alyssa Ages
Website: https://www.alyssaages.com/about

Christine Palmay
Website: https://caretoknow.ca/

Misty Pratt 

What is What She Said!?

Candace Sampson hosts What She Said! This one hour show aims to inspire and uplift women by giving them a voice in pursuing their professional and personal goals through showcasing successful women, as well as those who support women’s interests, and by creating opportunities for others to do the same.