Jewish Ideas to Change the World

A virtual event presentation by Rabba Shani Gross

The event was co-sponsored by Temple Emanuel 

About the Event: 
In this class, we will explore what, if anything, Jewish tradition has to say about why we gather. What is the unique potential that can take place in Jewish communal gatherings, and what might be the dangers or pitfalls? Together we will explore the relationship and tensions that surround Jewish expression as individuals and in community with others.

*Source Sheet:

About the Speaker: 
Rabba Shani believes that Jewish texts can serve as a shared language to connect Jews to their tradition and each other. This passion is what drives her work as the Senior Director of Education at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies. Before joining Pardes, Shani was the Founding Director of the Silicon Valley Beit Midrash. She earned a rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva Maharat and her Bachelor's Degree from Yeshiva University. Shani is a Wexner Graduate Fellow/Davidson Scholar, a Hillel International Fellow for Rabbinic Entrepreneurship, and a fellow of Va’tichtov: a fellowship aimed at elevating Jewish women’s scholarship. Shani has studied at several Batei Midrash including Migdal Oz, the Drisha Institute of Jewish Education, and of course the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies. Shani particularly loves teaching Tanakh, Talmud, and Midrash. She lives in Berkeley, California with her husband Chaim, and their three sons, Elan, Navon, and Shalom.
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What is Jewish Ideas to Change the World?

Jewish Ideas to Change the World delivers thought-provoking content by leading Jewish thinkers with diverse perspectives and backgrounds. It is produced by Valley Beit Midrash.

Valley Beit Midrash (VBM) is dedicated to social justice as driven by Torah ethics. VBM's mission is to improve lives through Jewish learning, direct action, and leadership development.

Listen to VBM's other podcasts:
• Social Justice in the Parsha (weekly divrei Torah by Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz)
• Pearls of Jewish Wisdom on Living with Kindness (Rabbi Shmuly's class series)

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