XMTR Radio Hour

Introducing LEvitAtion a radiophonic journey into Blackout

Show Notes

This episode takes a break from the conversation theme and introduces a new audio experiment: LEvitAtion. An immersive radiophonic mix of music, found sounds, field recordings and original recordings. The theme is ‘Blackout’ as we’ve all been grappling around in the dark somewhat recently and hopefully there is a glimmer of light on the horizon. 
This programme is the result of two alter egos colliding and distilling; (DJ) Princess Lea and (Radio Maker) Lucia Scazzocchio = LEviTation, a radio broadcast you can dance to or a DJ mix for meditation, take your pick. 

What is XMTR Radio Hour?

Do you find yourself stuck in the same channels? Unable to break out of the echo-chamber of your media consumption and worldview. Transmitter is here to cut through the noise. Lucia Scazzocchio from 'Social Broadcasts' scans the digital soundscape every other month to bring you original sounds, new voices and archive treasures from podcasts, radio, sound installations and anything that catches her ears.