Embodying change: Transforming power, culture and well-being in aid organisations

In this episode Melissa speaks with Joy Kolin, Executive Director and Board President of Giving Joy.
Joy has 20-years of experience in the field of international development, a career that has taken her to over 60 countries. Throughout her travels, Joy found herself touched by a common trend - the immense ability of women to affect positive change if given the resources and opportunities to do so. In 2018 she established Giving Joy as a way to harness and grow the power and the influence of women-led ventures the world over. Now, women from any country, across any trade or industry, can apply for a one-time grant between $250 to $500 to jump start and/or expand their operations.
To learn more check out:
-       Giving Joy: https://givingjoygrants.org 
-       Email: info@givingjoygrants.org 

***Thanks to Ziada Abeid for editing the show.***

What is Embodying change: Transforming power, culture and well-being in aid organisations?

A podcast for humanitarians who want to work in closer alignment to core values like compassion, accountability, solidarity and equity. Born in 2020 in collaboration with CHS Alliance and Mary Ann Clements, the podcast is now entering its next evolution and is hosted by Melissa Pitotti.