Intelligent Medicine

The War Against Keto: Maryland health czar scuttles trial of keto diet for schizophrenia—as keto scores vs. Alzheimer’s; Should we be worried about high-oxalate foods? What are alternatives to whey protein for muscle support? The crucial roles of phospholipids in aging and lifespan regulation—plasma membrane damage triggers senescence; Autoimmune B12 deficiency—why aren’t doctors more attuned to it? Holding off on treatment for early prostate cancer yields outcomes comparable to radiation, surgery, hormone blockers; Internet addiction changes teens’ brains; Can’t walk away from low back pain? Eye exercises found useless for reversing near-sightedness.

Show Notes

The War Against Keto: Maryland health czar scuttles trial of keto diet for schizophrenia—as keto scores vs. Alzheimer’s; Should we be worried about high-oxalate foods? What are alternatives to whey protein for muscle support? The crucial roles of phospholipids in aging and lifespan regulation—plasma membrane damage triggers senescence; Autoimmune B12 deficiency—why aren’t doctors more attuned to it? Holding off on treatment for early prostate cancer yields outcomes comparable to radiation, surgery, hormone blockers; Internet addiction changes teens’ brains; Can’t walk away from low back pain? Eye exercises found useless for reversing near-sightedness.

Creators & Guests

Dr. Ronald Hoffman
Dr. Ronald Hoffman is recognized as one of America’s foremost practitioners and experts in the field of complementary and alternative medicine.

What is Intelligent Medicine?

Pioneering complementary medicine practitioner Dr. Ronald Hoffman takes a cutting-edge approach to health, wellness, and aging. He covers both conventional and alternative modalities, as well as nutrition, exercise, and supplements.