The Founder's Journey Daily Spark

In today's episode of The Founder's Journey Daily Spark, we delve into the world of hiring strategies for startups. Building the right team can be a challenge, especially on a budget, but fear not, we've got you covered with some key takeaways. Learn to tap into your network - personal referrals are gold for motivated team members. Then, get creative with your job postings to attract passionate individuals who share your startup's vision. Consider freelancers for specialized skills and don't forget to embrace remote work for a broader talent pool. Finally, keep your eyes open at networking events and conferences.

What is The Founder's Journey Daily Spark?

Join Greg Moran, a seasoned entrepreneur with a track record of successes and setbacks, on 'The Daily Spark' podcast. Released every weekday, this show is your go-to source for practical advice and personal insights to accelerate your startup's growth, profitability, and overall enjoyment. Subscribe today to start your mornings with a daily dose of inspiration and actionable strategies that can supercharge your entrepreneurial journey.