
In this inspiring episode, you'll get a unique glimpse into the world of creative leadership through the eyes of siblings Samantha and Aaron Edwards, co-founders of the Charles Group. You'll learn:
  • The challenges and benefits of combining family dynamics with professional leadership
  • Strategies for bridging the gap between creative and business mindsets
  • How to create space for creativity in leadership and vice versa
  • The importance of transparency and caring leadership in building a strong team culture
  • Insights on their innovative "Family First" initiative and its impact on their company
This episode offers valuable lessons on fostering collaboration, communication, and mutual respect in creative enterprises, whether you're a creative professional, a business leader, or an entrepreneur wearing both hats. Discover how the Edwards siblings have turned potential conflicts into strengths, creating a thriving agency that values both creativity and effective leadership.

What is storyOS?

Stories are powerful, and narrative drives all human behavior. But how do we as leaders, creators and entrepreneurs learn to leverage that power for good? The storyOS Podcast dives deep into that question, so you can increase your narrative intelligence, grow your influence, and build a better future for yourself, your team and the world.