Tewahido Bible Study

Tewahido Bible Study Trailer Bonus Episode 101 Season 1

Stephanos means crown (of glory)

Stephanos means crown (of glory)Stephanos means crown (of glory)

I read aloud Chapters 6 & 7 of the Acts of the Apostles to my new community in the Pacific Northwest's seat of the archbishop, in honor of the annual feast of St. Stephen landing on a Sunday, which it only does once every seven years. His name stephanos means crown in Biblical Greek. I came across this studying 1 Peter 5:4 (which speaks of the doxa stephanos; glorious crown that the archshepherd Jesus Christ will grant to those religious leaders that please him) in the MOUNCE Reverse Interlinear New Testament. This is how someone like me who cannot read the Greek alphabet can still capture the beauty of the original. To him be the doxa (glory) unto eons of eons.
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What is Tewahido Bible Study?

A critical examination of the sacred scriptures, as they are read-aloud by a dedicated student of Aksum, Alexandria, and Antioch—and member of the Ephesus School Network.