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The Self Kindness Effect with Pete Sibley

"Self Kindness, now more than ever!" In this episode, Pete and guest, Kristin Rothballer, explore how the torch of Self Kindness allows us to show up to the pain in ourselves and the pain of the world, with an open rather than closed heart.

Show Notes

"Self Kindness, now more than ever!"  In this episode, Pete and his guest, Kristin Rothballer explore how the torch of Self Kindness allows us to show up to the pain in ourselves and the pain of the world open rather than closed.

Kristin Rothballer talks about how to cultivate the capacity for Self Kindness to carry us for the long haul, how to awaken to self kindness and not go back to sleep.  She's all about dissolving the myth of separation, how brokenness can be our ally, and she share's a beautiful Rumi poem.

Kristin Rothballer is a social change leader, with a focus on the intersection of personal, social and ecological healing and transformation. She consults on strategy, programs, equity and organizational development for nonprofits, foundations, social and land-based enterprises. Her current projects include serving as a Senior Fellow for Center for Whole Communities and pursuing a Masters in Social Transformation at Pacific School of Religion, part of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA.
Kristin co-founded and was Managing Director of Green for All, working to build an inclusive green economy. She helped design FIREROCK, a musical to engage people around climate change, and has guided wilderness-based retreats for Ecology of Awakening. She has led the development and management of earth-based retreat centers, including Bell Valley Retreat and Tunitas Creek Ranch. For many years, Kristin worked as the Director of Programs at Bioneers, where she led efforts towards equitable ecological and community restoration. Kristin has stewarded the Tyler Rigg Foundation for over 20 years, where she has been a Trustee since its inception.

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What is The Self Kindness Effect with Pete Sibley?

We live in a world of cause and effect.
The Self Kindness Effect is knowing what you are believing and perceiving about your life, creates your life and the world around you.

By looking to ourselves, we radically change EVERYTHING around us.
Join Pete Sibley as he chats about what exactly does it means to embody this cause and effect right now?

Pete Sibley is a life coach & musician sharing the discoveries he has made in his own quest to become more loving towards himself, including overcoming depression, living with ADHD and beating debilitating negative self talk. Removing the blocks to hear what has always been written on your heart, what you've always already known.