A Short Walk through Our Long History

And here we are!  Episode 100!!!  It’s only taken us 100 episodes to cover the first 12,000 or so years of human history.   I have a tentative plan to get us all the way to, well, today.  It’s going to take about 40 or so more episodes.  

Since this is our 100th episode, I thought I’d make this a sort of special episode, and instead of covering new ground, we could take a quick look back at everything that has happened so far.  Well, not really everything, but kind of the big highlights.  And maybe a quick peek at what we’re going to cover from here.  

What is A Short Walk through Our Long History?

I think that if you want to understand the world we live in today, it helps to understand the important events of history. In this series, we are going to look at major events, people, documents, places, books, and ideas that have shaped history, and thus shaped our modern world.