Fake Nerd Podcast


Show Notes

Bread and butter: (1:11:45) Some sad and entertaining news as always
- (1:11:45) Sean Connery’s Death
- (1:20:04) Ray Fisher Updates
- (1:28:30) Blumhouse News
- (1:45:20) Streaming Updates
- (1:52:51) Misc new film updates
- (2:02:40) Trailers

Main Course: (2:19:15) A Review of His House

FNBookClub: (2:44:39) Predator: Concrete Jungle

Personal Links
Ryan on Downright Annoyed-Event Horizon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucJoLX4BpRc&ab_channel=BoredandAnnoyed

From The Network
Basement Arcade
Left 4 Dead 2: Last Stand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vvJGzJL04w&t=517s&ab_channel=FakeNerdPodcast
Dead by Daylight Session 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_0_wV6ONG8&ab_channel=FakeNerdPodcast
Animal Crossing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhEeafN9Q4s&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=FakeNerdPodcast

FNP Masks by Crafted by Z

Show Links
Website: http://www.fakenerdpodcast.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqTS1ndSguLHfbkQTnHHFNw/featured
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fakenerdpodcast
Teepublic: https://www.teepublic.com/user/fakenerdpod

Tags: #FakeNerdPod #FNBookClub #BreadandButter #nerd #NerdAlert #Podcast #Podcasting #Geek #GeekingOut #HisHouse #Horror #Godzilla #TombRaider #PowerRangers #SeanConnery #JusticeLeague #TheSnyderCut #MoonKnight #PacificRim #AssassinsCreed
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What is Fake Nerd Podcast?

A weekly pop culture podcast that tries to put a positive voice out into the zeitgeist. The fake nerds talk news, reviews and interviews with the likes of Marc Guggenheim and Andrea Romano.