Not Your Mother's Goose

We won't break in to try to give you a tote bag, but we'll cover all your PBS kids favorites - Mr. Rogers, Reading Rainbow, Square One, and Carmen Sandiego.

Show Notes

It's time to flip the channel to PBS (and travel back 30 years or so), as we re-live all your childhood favorites.
* Ride the trolley on Mr. Rogers Neighborhood
* Take Levar Burton's word for it on Reading Rainbow 
* Join Mathnet to chase crooks with your abacus on Square One
* Chase more crooks (and hope you get the South America map) on Carmen Sandiego 

Plus a regular dose of news, and sponsorship from your favorite coffin supply store, "Blood, Bath & Beyond"

What is Not Your Mother's Goose?

Welcome to Topher Goggin's totally irreverent, mega-sarcastic fairy tale recaps for grown-ups, with laugh out loud "news" stories thrown in for good measure. This is definitely not your mother's goose.