Moments in Leadership

This is a great episode with Major Tom Schueman, author of the new book Always Faithful coming out Aug 8th 2022. Major Schueman is one of the last decade's most experienced company-level combat leaders and is also the force behind Patrol Base Abbate, a place for all veterans to rest and refit by re-entering friendly lines.

Show Notes

Listen in as we discuss his most powerful moments of combat as a young lieutenant platoon commander, ambushed just moments after stepping out of friendly lines on his very first combat patrol. Hear him debrief himself and learn what he did well and what he'd do differently. He sheds light on how leadership is simple but never easy. He explains how he would adopt a more harmonious approach to company command rather than what he describes as a ruthless drive for "results first." We discuss his new book, Always Faithful – A story of war in Afghanistan, the fall of Kabul, and the unshakable bond between a Marine and an interpreter, which becomes available on August 8th, 2022. 
We wrap up discussing the foundation he created, Patrol Base Abbate, of which I am honored to be a member of the Board of Directors. Patrol Base Abbate is named after Marine Sergeant Matt Abbate, who was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. Matt became the inspiration behind creating a place where everyone who's raised their hand, swore an oath, and wrote a blank check payable in the amount up to and including their own life, feels like they can rest and refit by re-entering friendly lines.
This is an incredibly insightful and empowering discussion that leaders from all branches and of all ages can gain something from. 
Finally, please consider supporting this project at the new Patreon site at:

Relevant Resources & Other Mentioned Episodes:
Moments In Leadership Patreon Account:
Always Faithful – link to the book on Amazon (non-affiliate link):
Major Tom Schueman IG Account:
Major Justin Gray IG Account:
Patrol Base Abbate:
Patrol Base Abbate DONATE:
Sgt Matt Abbate Navy Cross Citation:
SgtMaj Dan Reynolds Episode:
LtGen Dave Furness Episode:
What is Moments in Leadership?
Moments in Leadership is a podcast where you will hear firsthand about the careers of senior military leaders as they share their unique and individual experiences. Moments in Leadership will immerse you in real-life stories where you will learn about the challenging situations these accomplished leaders faced and discover the lessons they learned early in their careers that were the most influential in developing their overall leadership style. 
Conceptualized by a group of friends who served together as young officers in the early to mid-1990s sitting around a firepit telling funny leadership stories, Moments in Leadership is designed to provide some relatable context to the formal leadership training leaders of all ranks and services receive throughout their military careers through the power of storytelling.
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Other Podcasts Interviews with David B. Armstrong
Former Action Guys Podcast EP 161:
Former Action Guys Podcast EP 141:
Former Action Guys Podcast EP 60:
Former Action Guys Podcast EP 54:
About the Host:
David B. Armstrong, CFA, is President and Co-Founder of Monument Wealth Management, an independent wealth management firm he started in 2008 in Alexandria, Va. David received his B.A. from the University of South Carolina in Government & International Relations and his MBA at the University of South Carolina's Moore School of Business in International Finance. He was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant through the Navy ROTC program and served on Active Duty in the Marine Corps from 1990-1997 as an Artillery Officer and then received a secondary MOS as a Tank Officer. He re-entered the Selected Marine Corps Reserves in 2003 and served in several billets across the Artillery, Tank, and Light Armored Reconnaissance communities. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in late 2018.

What is Moments in Leadership?

Moments in Leadership is a podcast where you will hear firsthand about the careers of senior military leaders as they share their own unique and individual experiences. Moments in Leadership will immerse you in real-life stories where you will learn about the challenging situations these accomplished leaders faced and discover the lessons they learned early in their careers that were the most influential to developing their overall leadership style.