Disruption Now

Kyle Kashuv a survivor of the mass shooting at Parkland, had his admission to Harvard University rescinded after private racist remarks from his past emerged. Many conservatives cried fouled that Kashuv was targeted due to his conservative politics. Kashuv admitted to using such language several years prior to his admission offer, but insisted that he does not currently engage in such behavior, nor does he feel the remarks accurately reflect his current opinion on racial matters. Kashuv told Harvard. "Looking back two years later, I cannot recognize that person." The argument I guess is that the mass shooting made him a changed man. But what tangible proof do we have that his attitude changed?

Show Notes

Conservative Parkland survivor rejected for racist comments from Harvard
Kyle Kashuv apologizes for using n word
Students agree with Harvard
Kyle Kashuv controversy explained

What is Disruption Now?

A podcast to disrupt common narratives and constructs to empower diverse communities. We provide inspirational content from entrepreneurs and leaders who are disrupting the status quo.