VALYOU: Create Personal Competitive Advantage in Your Career

Does Culture really eat Strategy for breakfast? Which is more important: Strategy or Execution? In this conversation with Gagandeep Singh, we discuss the triad of Culture, Strategy and Execution

Show Notes

Peter Drucker is supposed to have said, "Culture eats strategy for breakfast". In other variants, culture skips breakfast, and goes after strategy for lunch. Of course, there's a question mark around whether Drucker even said something like this.

However, ask a question comparing Strategy with Culture or with Execution, there are multiple opinions; everyone professes that something is more important than the other. But, is that even the right question?

In this conversation with Gagandeep Singh, we get into the linkages between the three, and how we ought to take a more integrated view of them. Gagan is a consultant and coach in the areas of leadership development and organisation transformation. He has written extensively on these topics and has been a partner with GlobalGyan from day 1. Not one to mince his words, Gagan shares his views on the two debates, and provides suggestions on what leaders must do, particularly during these uncertain times, to strengthen the triad of culture, strategy and execution.

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What is VALYOU: Create Personal Competitive Advantage in Your Career?

Srinivasa Addepalli and all the other gurus at GlobalGyan Academy of Management Education share their secrets of how to build a successful career. Speaking from their years of experience across sectors, geographies and functions, they offer practical insights on how you can create competitive advantage for yourself. In the future of work, you will face competition from not only others like you but also talented people across the world, and even machines! Most young people believe that graduating from a well-known college with a coveted degree will set them up for life, but that is no longer a guarantor of success. Firstly, a majority of smart young people do not get admission into such colleges. And even if they do, what they learn during those few years is often meaningless compared to what they would need to do over the next 30 to 40 years. Creating competitive advantage requires us to learn new, relevant skills but that is not all; just like businesses need to think of the 4Ps (and more), individuals need to work on multiple dimensions to create their own strategy to win in the marketplace for talent. Discover how you can uniquely design and build your career, from those who have succeeded and failed at doing so.