Staiano Plastic Surgery

 I will talk about:
-Do we offer Rhinoplasty?
-How long recovery is needed following Breast Reduction Surgery? When can I return to work?
-Can you remove a keloid scar completely?
-What is the difference between a Belt Lipectomy and Fleur De Lis Tummy Tuck?
-Why is the upper arm, the chest and the back not a good place for a scar?
-Is it normal to experience pain in the central abdominal area and around the belly button after having recti divarication?…and anything else that crops up! #AskJJ

What is Staiano Plastic Surgery?

I am a Plastic Surgeon and I own a Clinic where we specialise in Breast and Body Contouring. I do a Q&A every Tuesday evening at 7pm on Facebook Live.